Tuesday, July 15, 2008

blessing force and the word


Rustam F. Hasanov said...

You don't fool around. I love the the painting on your last post, but the composition of this drawing is very alluring though. It's got more breathing space, which I personally like. I guess the appeal of your work is how you overwhelm and rapture the viewer with all of the imagery within a single physical space ( little eye orgasms). Excellent work. You inspire.

William Fenholt said...

orsome welles

haubs said...

dude these are amazing. i wish i got to see them up close in san diego.

Unknown said...

this level of beauty is unspeakable.

Glue said...

these are so intense and intricate! you are fuckin awesome man!!!

Eddie O. Rodriguez said...

dream like, I'm digging it. It makes me want to fall through some clouds and see this vision for myself, dope man.