Wednesday, March 4, 2009

alternate self

this could have been me


Maria Rose said...

Is this new painting?

I think this is one of my favorites if it is.

verdadverde said...

no it's actually pretty old and it doesn't exist except for this image hahah

hopocalypse now said...

no way dude. i dont see it.

Roy Neil Hunter said...

woah! hahahahahah
i would of still loved you but maybe would have never met you. maybe we could have been stuck in the same traffic jam. or been in the same supermarket or even gone to the same school and never ever meet ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
this is a hello to everyone i never met on blogspot

verdadverde said...

i love you ROy!

verdadverde said...

and i loveyou too Hopa and Kimmy!

Vincent Hui said...

hey rei!
seems like i missed out a lot since my last visit.

i like this one. is that red ribbon the same thing as of those in china back in the day?

che is such a cool figure as opposed to those 'oriental' ones..hahah

Unknown said...

wow, the expression on your face is incredible, of fearful surrender.

Michael Alvarez said...

Big Ray@!!!
I haven't seen this painting in years, still looks great man.
I hope everything is good on the east coast! Thanks for all the good words, and I'm really looking forward to seeing you work up at corpro.

EL Gato Negro said...

anything with che is ultimate epicness, the painting is solid man !!

Rustam F. Hasanov said...

Close one

Victorytea said...
